Working Papers

Gun Policy and the Steel Paradox: Evidence from Oregunians

[NBER WP 33360] (with K. Bollman, E. Rubin, and G. Stanford)

In Person Schooling and Juvenile Violence

[NBER WP 33317] (with K. Matsuzawa and J. Sabia)

Importing the Opioid Crisis? International Trade and Fentanyl Overdoses

[NBER WP 31885] (with T. Moore and W. Olney)

Shifting Tax Incidence: Evidence from the Washington State Cannabis Market
[NBER WP 23632] (with K. Miller and C. Weber)

Labor Reallocation and Remote Work During COVID-19: Real-time Evidence from GitHub
[NBER WP 29598] (with G. McDermott)

Information and the Persistence of the Gender Wage Gap: Early Evidence from California's Salary History Ban
[NBER WP 27054] (with D. McNichols)